Hi All,
We use PGP encryption and decryption for interfaces in our SAP PO system. The interfaces were running fine till very recently. In our quality system the messages fail with the below error.
PGP Encryption Module: Could not extract private...
This issue was resolved after performing a system update .The versions of the B2B PGP and SFTP components were different, after the update both were of the same version and the bouncy castle jar file was automatically created for the existing jdk ver...
Hi Pavan,The BASIS team have tried to check http://<host>:<port>/BC//VerifyJCE but this is not accessible. This link is not accessible even from the environment where the encryption is working. Please let me know if this required additional enabling...
Hi Neha,I tried this with a new set of private and public keys , but still face the same error. There was a java component update in our system recently after which this stopped working.Please share if any tips on what prerequisites to check at OS le...