Hi :-),In this log the npmExecuteScripts worked out just fine. Probably because there was no build script executed that does not work.Instead it fails in the deployment with the following error:[2024-07-15T11:58:08.581Z] info cloudFoundryDeploy - ---...
Hi,The pipeline tries to run the npm run build command and fails there. The application does not seem to be set up correctly to run this. For example: Do you have a ui5.yaml? Maybe this can help: https://sap.github.io/ui5-tooling/v3/pages/GettingStar...
Hi,The log txt you uploaded is about the version, which you added like so, correct?Could you also provide the logs of the subsequent run, after you have added the version field?Thanks and regards,Oliver
Hi,Could it be that you have dependencies in your package.json that use the latest version and that is why it does not work as before. So if a dependency version has a ^ it will get the latest version of that dependency and that can change the behavi...
Hi,Have you double checked that this works:if (env.BRANCH_NAME.startsWith('PR')) {Do you explicitly call the branch 'PR ...'? Because Jenkins will create a run for you called PR-xyz, but that is not necessarily the branch name.Otherwise it looks all ...