In standard, P101 pricing for STO picks MAP of the sending site . But if return flag is checked in the STO i want P101 to pick the MAP of the receiving plant instead (ekpo-weks)
How can I customize this in P101 ?
I have created a batch job to run VL10B to create OBDs for multiple STO.
My job variant has 1. Date Range 2. Purchasing Group 3. Supplying site in the selection criteria
One OBD is created for multiple STOs in my test region but this is not happ...
We have 3 clients under Dev 200, 210 and 299.
I did a play run in 299 for creating new movement type.
After this, I started created the mvt type in client 200 and captured in TR. Now I released my TR to client 210. I did S...
I have configured an output message from my allocation STO created through PO (Allocation table).
If my PO has partner function OA, then my output is determined in my STO.
If my PO does not have partner function OA, then my output is not determin...
I have an output type configured from PO and from allocation STO.
When I create PO, the output is triggered. (I have scheduled a batch job to process the output type every 2 hours)
After allocation when my STO is created the output type is trigg...
In standard, the site delivery date in allocation table will be called to the 'delivery date' in the STO created. Usually, the system overrides the usualy parameter like the planned delivery date in materil master, GR processing time etc which determ...
No Dominik. Because in my SSC1 if I input my TR , it would allow me to copy from the correct destination alone, throws error if I gave in 299 as my source.So would not have happened by overlook as well. The wired thing is now my config in 299 are in ...
Even for some other random scenario, my STO output type is not populated in the STO created from allocation. But when I open the STO in change mode, the output type is displayed in my output message.