Hello SureshYou might want to explore the possibilities you have in Exit QDSE0002. (taking into account OSS 2200780). We are not having the same requirement as you but manipulating in this exit the level of the DMR selected based on previous inspecti...
Hello AnnaIn this case you might need to build
your own auto UD program. We did something similar in a new custom program where we use our own inspection lot selection based on specific dates, status, Z-fields. Once we get the list of appropriate
Hey SavanDid you check if you have activated the batch where used list in your plant in Tcode OMBB.You might need to run the initial report once in MB57 as well.Regards,Markus
Hello Khaledthis doesnt sound right. In case you have set the otpion to X (one inspeciton lot per purchase order item, batch location) there should not be an additional inspection lot created. All quantity posted will though follow the inspection lot...
Hello Darrin,In case you want to make an independent decision on your Stock arrving at the GR warehouseand the factory you might need to use two different inspection lots and inspection plans like mentioned by Nihal.If a simple results recording in ...