Member since ‎2022 Apr 13

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Hi Experts,Using Cloud Transport Management, the following destinations were previously connected via Basic Authentication and received a 200 response.https://deploy-service.cfapps.<domain>/slprot/<myorg>/<myspace>/slpAs of 2024/5/7 I have tried this...
When releasing a project, we can specify a version category. Can you tell us the maximum value of this version? Reference https://help.sap.com/docs/PROCESS_AUTOMATION/a331c4ef0a9d48a89c779fd449c022e7/5ec3714e12ce487da35c009505eaf3a5.html?locale=...
The AuditLog service includes audit.data-access as a logging record. The description of audit.data-access is "read-access logging records for access to sensitive personal data". What exactly is "sensitive personal data"? And can it be customized?
There are three Audit log services as follows I understand that 1 is to view the audit log in the GUI, 2 is to retrieve the audit log using the API, but how can 3 be used? Can you give us some information on how to use 3.Audit Log Service API ser...
I am aware that the audit log retention period is 90 days, but is it possible to change this period? If possible, please let me know how to change that. https://help.sap.com/docs/BTP/65de2977205c403bbc107264b8eccf4b/adaefa64228e49ddbe40c15f63a4f...