Member since ‎2006 Nov 07

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Has anyone encountered the following issue related to the fix in Note 1163807? Particularly on UDFs defined on the Business Partner Address object? I opened a case with SAP but was interested in knowing if anyone else has run into the same?Detailed...
Hi guys, generally speaking my Synch Manager has been clear of errors, but I'm getting a few recurring Synch Errors regarding Service Contracts and Sales Opportunities.Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that othe...
Hello again!Sorry to be a pest! I'm trying to put WebTools 2007 (628) through it's paces prior to training some of our staff in it's use for CRM purposes, and I've hit a few more snags, these in particular are related to Sales Opportunities.1. Hitt...
I'm not sure how this happened, but I created a phone call activity in WT. I filled in something for Remarks and something for Notes. All other fields had been left blank.Specifically, I never checked Reminder nor altered the dropdownList that defa...
I have a problem with WT Service Contracts that came from B1. All contracts show a Termination Date of 1899-Dec-30. I confirmed the TerminationDate Column in the SupportContract table does indeed contain this date.Contracts that have a termination ...