Member since ‎2011 Nov 03

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I used to use SAP Scrip with excel. I have the code to run the SAP scritp transaction using Excel. VBA. But the current client does not use Excel, so I have not excel in my computer, and I can not download it. We use google Sheet, or libreoffic...
Hi All, I have a Doubt. I m creating a program to create the sales order using txt file. I m using the Bapi BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2 In the file I have a column that is Customer and other that is material ( for Item). We have differe...
I m doing a collection in F110 transaction for Customer. Invoice have Bline date = 10 May 2021 Entry date is 07 May 2021 Payment terms is CF00 ( immediately). Today is 07 May, so the invoice is not expired. In payment parameters in F110 tra...
Hi, I m doing an unit test, and when I run CJ88 transaction, SAP create a new controlling document. I can see the document in table COVP, but I need that the field COVP-USPOB ( Source Object) to be completed, but in all cases appear in Blank. ...
Hi:I want to know the  customizing route of the field " Reference" VTBKOND_MNT-SBASIS, in orther to cusomize this.Pleasee see the file attach for more information.