Member since ‎2021 May 25

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Hi , I want to compare the two xml files and return the difference in those files. I am storing the two xml's in the datastore and getting the two xml's using datastore get operation then storing it in a properties. Those properties i am callin...
Hi 7a519509aed84a2c9e6f627841825b5a , engswee.yeoh I am trying to find out the difference between two xml files and return the difference tags. To Achieve this I am storing the xml files in Datastore and to find out the difference I am using th...
Hi 7a519509aed84a2c9e6f627841825b5a, engswee.yeoh I am trying to write groovy script to compare two xml files in CPI. Below is the code which I have written. import //Imports for DataStoreService...
I want to compare the two metadata XML Files from the SuccessFactors System and return the difference tags as a output using SAP CPI Integration tool. I am using the below groovy script to achieve this but getting an error. code1: XMLUnit.setI...