Hi everone,
During the optimization run, I get '61 244 -account assignment data is incomplete' error but I cannot find how to deal with it.SAP note about that topic is old so I cannot implement it.Is there anyone who has any idea about that?
Hi everyone,
I'm searching a standard report to delete stock transfer reservations in apo.
PP_del_order didn't give us expected result.Do you have any idea about that?
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to test container resources so I created one in S4 by CR01 with apo marked and assigned this resources to semiproduct in CA02.However in planning board I cannot see the planning orders assigned to container resources.So ı ha...
Hey everyone,
I'm new in SAP and trying to test mop process in PP/DS. Even I scanned the sap notes, in some point I did not get the whole process.So if some explain the roadmap I'll be grateful
In fact I know how to do it in discrete manufacturing.Resources Group or alternative machines.But in my project, machines' speed differs and they don't have same properties.So I have to find different solutions
I'm trying to understand heuristics and where to use them in fact. For example "this heuristics generally used that kind of scenarios and it helps you to put in order operations according to..." I've zoomed the a lot websites but none of them detaile...