Hi there,this view has strage location: https://api.sap.com/cdsviews/I_BILLINGDOCUMENTITEM.Alternatively you can create a custom field for the storage location, and copy it on header level. Keep in mind, this will be a split criterion but you should ...
Hello Annika,at the moment this functionality is not supported through the "Manage Billing Documents" app in a 1-step-way like you do it via VF03. Can you try the following (if it works out, it will be a 2-step-approach): Create cancelation via "Mana...
Hello Nelly,can you please check your Copying Control settings? You need to know what the preceding document is (Sales Order? Delivery? Invoice?) Then choose the respective configuration activity (example: if your preceding document is a Delivery Doc...
Hello,please answer the following questions:1. Are you on S/4 Hana Public Cloud?2. Are you following a specific Scope Item and you try to fine-tune it to fit your needs? If yes, which Scope Item?Meanwhile, your question is:If the bill to party is ove...