Member since ‎2021 Mar 11

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I have a PLD layout that needs to be modified, but many System variables are used in it. I don't know what they are. Is there a way I can get all the System Variables? I see a reference to PLD_Vars file. Can someone give me a download address?
ALL, I saw an issue in my SAP B1 client. 1. Go to Report and Layout Manager 2. Type 'my report name' and search it 3. Click Run Report 4. Need 2-4 mins to open the Parameter Form Does someone know why this is so slow? What can I do to o...
Going to update the BP.FatherCard in Excel. 1. Update FatherCard to C1001 in SAP, it is cussess 2. Use DI API to update FatherCard throw this error Use SAP 10.0
I have a form named Brand Master Data in AddOn. Currently, I have a problem with Open Brand Master Data. 1. Open SAP B1(10.0) 2. Open Inventory - Item Master Data 3. Open Inventory - Brand Master Data(AddOn) See my attach file. As long as...
1. Go to Report and Layout Manager 2. Type the Report Name and search it 3. Click Run Report Need more time to open the Parameter Form But try to do this and then it will better: 1. Edit the Crystal Report in Report and Layout Manager 2. ...