I want to execute Post operation of Catalog content lookup api. But for me mentioned CSV file is not working.
Please help me to understand what exactly issue with my .csv file. Or if you have any other .csv file then please provide me.
error: Sta...
Hi Every one ,
I was doing testing on "Integration monitoring API for Procurement"
I have entered all mandatory data as realm, event name and API key. but it is showing me error as please enter valid or unique realm.
I need data to run following get services for "Master Data Retrieval API for Procurement" app.
1. I need X-Realm, Are X-Realm and Realm same? - Meta - List all entities.
2. what is entity type for- Meta - Specific entity.
Hi Antonio, Thanks for your response.I have checked. I am entering correct value of realm but that realm is associated with other APIs as well.Do I need to use realm which does not associated with other APIs or this realm should work.I got that realm...