Member since ‎2010 Jan 27

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Hi Experts,I'm working in a requirement where I have to add items into a  quotation via CRMXIF_ORDER_SAVE this is working now. The problem is that I'm not able to add or update  either standar nor "Z" pricing conditions (e.g. XBRT or ZPRU). For this ...
Hi experts,I'm having problems when I'm trying to delete components from ibase, basically I use a Z report to do it and I'm using FM CRM_IBASE_COMP_DELETE and after CRM_IBASE_SAVE, the problem is that any component is been deleting. I think I'm clos...
Hi experts,I'm in  a requirement in which I have to add a Z field (created via AET in quotations AB positions) in condition tables in order to be used in sequences access for pricing.I 've added this new field in the field catalog (in spro....maintai...
Hi guys,I have a problem with a requirement,I've created a Z field via AET in a component, and I need to create a value help for that field that shows more than 2 flieds (like 5 or 6 fields) as a result of clicking the value help button, but I don't ...
Hi everybody,I'm facing a problem where I need to read a Z table, which contains the technical names of fields of BP_HEAD structure, and if the fieldname is in the table it should be disable.The thing is that I cannot use the methods get_i to disable...