Member since ‎2020 Nov 09

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SAP FI CO MM SD PP ...... many tutorial of them, but has anyone ever seen detailed SAP Bank step by step tutorial? For example BP DM BCA CML CMS CYT MCM Credit Risk Leasing? The official tutorial FSXXX seems not detailed enough and not quite up to...
Background This article tries to provide a overview of the new features of Banking Services from SAP during the past five years --- 2016 till 2020 --- in S/4HANA 1610/1709/1809/1909/2020 as well in specific banking modules, with comments on its outlo...
Main content of this article is the second picture in this article. Yes, you can just read that picture and ignore the text. SA–CCR: Standardised Approach for Counterparty Credit Risk Exposures. Background As a part of Basel III, SA–CCR will be fully...
How can I see/show the “BANK ANALYZER” IMG in S/4HANA? (Just as in R/3 or ECC)? "BANK ANALYZER (FS-BA)" is no longer a "whole piece” in S/4HANA. It used to be a "whole piece” in R/3 or ECC.I tried with RFAGL_SWAP_IMG_NEW or RFAGL_SWAP_IMG_OLD in...
Background/Scenario IFRS9 implemented in 2018 has further changed the old bank accounting classification and measurement rules. By SAP Bank project implementations, we need to setup debit/credit settings for Loans Management, Collateral Management, B...