after upgrading from version 220 to the latest CR for Eclipse version we encountered a problem with changed behavior in sorting and grouping records in reports. (actually the problem seems to be introduced with version 225)
We created a testc...
since we currently have some major issues which does not seem to get proper attention in this forum (please see
The Problem in short
After upgrading to newer JDBC driver versions one of our testcases showed an error. The testcase simulates a report execution with an oracle user which has special characters in his password (see testcase below).
The Oracle ...
I've a problem with Date Formats after upgrading to newer Java Version (or to 64-bit JRE) or CR for Java Versions.
The Report:
uses Date Fields with Format: use the Short System Date
The Working Environment:
Windows 10 with German Local...
Hi,we also faced a serious issue after upgrading to the lates CrystalReports for Java version. Please see here: https://answers.sap.com/questions/13179024/problems-with-sorting-and-grouping-after-upgrading.htmlIn the beginning of this year we were ab...
To change the datasource/login settings programatically you can use something like this:https://github.com/souvikduttachoudhury/Crystal-Reports/blob/master/src/com/businessobjects/samples/CRJavaHelper.java
If someone else comes across this issue:we opened a support ticket and this problem schould be fixed for newer 64-bit Java JDK's with the upcoming version 12.2.227 of Crystal Reports Java Runtime.Bye Peter
If anyone else has a problem with crystal report and wants to request a fix you can buy a single case ticket for Crystal Reports for a moderate price (about 125€ currently):https://www.crystalreports.com/singlecase/Bye Peter