Hi Zenon,the cumulated stock values in additional UoM (where the UoM are defined in the UoM group) are kept in the following tables:MARCHO1 MARCO1 MARDHO1 MARDO1 ...
Hello Yasuyo,perfect, that sounds all fine to me, and your examples make sense. I think the one point where you would like to have an explanation is the observation:If you increase the material density (at constant floating roof weight), the volume t...
Dear Yasuyo,thanks for your feedback, I think there is one misunderstanding in your expectation:...This means that if the weight of the floating roof of a tank becomes heavier, then the material volume is shrink (= material displacement), on the othe...
Dear Yasuyo,the floating roof calculation is described briefly in the SAP ERP help:... Correction Factors UseFor volume corrections using dip readings, various volume correction factors that are used for tank volume calculations are required, accor...
Dear Anubhav,if I remember correctly, the entries in table OIB_USERPARAM are automatically created for each user if he/she first uses transaction O4_TIGER, and are subsequently updated if O4_TIGER is lect correctly (e.g. F3) with the current user set...