Member since ‎2020 Sep 18

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Hello Experts, We do a lot of import/ export of scheduled processes on specific Queues, either in same Redwood systems( DEV to DEV) or from one Redwood system to other( DEV TO PROD). We use Import rule set for changing Queue of scheduled jobs and t...
Hello Experts, I want to extract a report of all jobs which will be scheduled to run between two dates (start date and end date will be given by user). There is no option in Filter to select forecast jobs. We can always extract a report for schedul...
Hello Experts, Need to check which job definitions were modified in last 30 days and also check what has been modified in the configuration. Example: Suppose a job definition named: TEST_ABAP_JOB_DEFINITION was modified in the last month by chang...
Hello Experts, We have around 3000 process definitions in Redwood Test landscape which are also scheduled with some frequency( Submit Frame + Time Window + Start Time). Now we want to export all process definitions along with their scheduled instan...
Hello Experts, Can anyone please guide me to create a dashboard which will display below points: 1. Job Definitions of a specific type(like ABAP or JAVA) which are modified in last 30 days. 2. Count of the number of job Definitions modified , j...