Hi,Copy any standard program name & GUI status from any standard screen SYSTEM->STATUS->Program(GUI) & GUI status,And goto se41 create program with your PF-Status and copy the standard program & GUI status to your custom status.Try this. I hope it i...
Hi Saikanth,Use this below code, I hope it's useful for your requirement.DATA : text TYPE string, value1 TYPE char8 VALUE 'E3008991', value2 TYPE char4 VALUE '1101', lv_lv TYPE string, lv_lv1 TYPE string, indx TYPE ...
Hi,Check this,TABLES: vbak. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_vbak, vbeln TYPE vbak-vbeln, kunnr TYPE vbak-kunnr, bstnk TYPE vbak-bstnk, END OF ty_vbak. SELECTION-SCREEN:BEGIN OF BLOCK b1 WITH FRAME TITLE text-010. SELECT-O...