Member since ‎2020 Aug 11

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Dear SAP Experts, I have define Date Rule (Tcode: T_60) for Shipment Cost in development client and when I SCC1 transport to testing client, it does not reflect... may i know anyone know the reason to this? Thanks and regards, Win Nee
Dear SAP Experts, I have create a sales quotation and when i click Extras -> Costing, it is giving me this message. after i click enter, it comes here I have checked with Costing team, they have maintain from their side. Would appre...
Dear SAP Experts, I would need to maintain a huge number of data in configuration for Route Determination Without Weight Group (Order) which is also table TROAZ (Routes: Determination in Sales Documents). Wondering if you have any suggestion ho...
Dear SAP Experts, I have maintained an external number range LA. When I want to assign this number range to a shipment type, it display this error 'Number range LA is not an external number range in RV_TRANSPO' May I know how to solve this i...
Hi SAP Experts, A quick question. What is the Difference between VA25 and VA25N (List of Quotation)? When do you know to use which one? Thanks, Win Nee
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