I'm building a simple SAPUI5 app.
The app requests data from a back-end server, written with Java EE. I use Servlets as endpoint, because I want to maintain a session but it seems not to work.
When I call a servlet after login, the method
I'm trying to add a Fragment in the header of a Page but I get this error:
Error: resource com/demetrio/dconcessionaro/view/HeaderBar.fragment.xml could not be loaded from https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/1.81.1/resources/com/demetrio/dconcessiona...
I'm trying to display some information through a SimpleForm but I can't align labels to the respective elements.
This is what I'm trying to do:
This is what I get:
This is the XML code of the form:
I need a List whose items are boxes with a background color but I can't get the result I want.
What I want:
What I get:
This is the List definition:
<List class="colorList" items="{path: 'color>/'}" selectionChange=".onColorSelected">
I have a view with a GridList where the items contain .svg images.
When I access this view through navigation, It displays the images correctly:
But when I reload, some .svg images initially appear, but shortly after disappear:
This is th...
I solved by setting cors.support.credentials = true and setting cors.allowed.origins = sapui5_app_address in web.xml file like this<filter>
I solved by changing the List to an HBox, adding items directly from the controller and changing the css of the items in the .onAfterRendering method.This is the new XML:<HBox id="color">
</HBox>This is the new js Controller://array example
var arra...
The problem is that the colors are retrieved dynamically from a Web Service and they vary depending on the request so I cannot add them in a .css file.