Member since ‎2020 Aug 03

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Hy everyone! I have an olingo OData V2 service, wich is workng almost perfect. CRUD methods are tested from POSTMAN. It is running on Tomcat, the db is MySQL and the project is in Eclipse. This is the service's code: package main; import org.a...
Hey everyone. I tried to bind a checkBox to an OData field, its type is Edm.Boolean. I can done the binding but it behaves like one-way binding, the chekbox shows the right statement when I ask for the value, but when I change the checkbox from check...
So, I have an xml view, and a table with some columns in it. I do the odata connecting (V4) in the controller.js, and with the table id I bind the data to the sap.m.table. If I know right, odata binding will get the type of the data from the metadata...