Member since ‎2013 May 29

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Hi all,I want to update the storage location for several items in outbound delivery.I'm using BAPI BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CHANGE and populate the following parameters:HEADER_DATA-DELIV_NUMB = deliveryHEADER_CONTROL-DELIV_NUMB = deliveryDELIVERY = deliver...
Hello all,I have a situation that i dont understand.Imagine that i have an outbound delivery with an item wich material should contain serials. This delivery is to be transferred to another center.If i make the PGI - post goods issue - using the norm...
Hello,I'm using ws_delivery_update to assign HU's to inbound delivery.When i call this BAPI, it appears an information message with the text "Handling Unit  is in transit --> Cannot be changed".I want to disable these info popup's. Is it possible?If ...
Estou a tentar implementar a nota 1817291 para a release 600 e aquando da ativação dos objetos dá erro porque o seguinte objeto encontra-se em fata: DFKKEXTDOC2.De fato, esta estrutura não existe e também não consigo encontrar na nota alguma referênc...