Is there capability in the SAP system to identify a meter roll over scenario and not mark it implausible for overflow (validation 15)
For example, If I have a 4 dial meter -
Current Read: 9995
Next Read: 0005 (There has been a consumptio...
Thanks for your reply Daniel. Can you clarify how this is catered?Currently, if I have a scenario where the meter is expected to roll over, the system still marks the read as implausible with validation 15.
Hi, You can use the following - ISU_S_WORKLIST_INSTALL_PROVIDE. This will be used to get the current data and then pass the data in ISU_S_WORKLIST_INSTALL with i_action as 03 for replacement.Hope this helps.Regards,Monis Shakeel
Hi Krishanu,Maybe you could just compare entries (logical device numbers) in ELWEG against the EANLH-EASTS combination for list of all logical devices in the MRU.I'm not sure if there is a standard way of doing this.Regards,Monis