Member since ‎2020 Mar 20

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Hello experts, I have a question about $filter parameters not being passed by the custom Fiori app to the backend service. There are 2 apps in the scenario. Both are running on S4HANA in TM 1. the custom POWL app to list Invoices 2. the cust...
Hello Experts, I am using the IRPA Cloud studio to capture a sample OpenUI5 Shopping cart application ( as shown in OpenSAP RPA5 course ). After I capture the application and the page, when I try to test the application, it is not recognized by the...
Hello experts, I am trying to capture a file popup for a prototype. I followed the suggestion given here to see the steps of standard Bot - Manage payment advice . I am facing the below issues. 1.Using UIAutomation technology, I am tyng to capt...