Hi Guys,
approx. one year ago, I asked you, whether it is possible to filter for a date range in MDK with the filtering page.
Referring to the bulletpoint "2." of the question https://answers.sap.com/questions/12963962/mobile-development-kit-filt...
Hi Guys,
I just wanted to ask, whether the SAP MDK is capable of performing an app jump (e.g., through the call of an URL) from the Asset Manager application to another, 3rd party application.
I checked the documentation and couldn't find any inf...
Hi Guys,
since my colleagues are developing on Windows PCs and they are only able to use the Android Studio emulator, we faced a very poor performance for the debugger (we are using MDK client SDK 4.1.1 and we develop in VSC with your MDK extension...
Hi Guys,
currently I am developing an app, for which I want to execute a deletion-action on several instances of entity "Orders".
I queried over the entity to get the instances I want to delete and for each, I want to execute a deletion action, s...
Hi Guys,
currently, we implement an MDK application in combination with OData offline and we have the following issues:
We have two entity sets Orders and OrderLines on our device. When we try to create a new Order we also have to create the corr...
Hi Ashish,thanks for your quick reply, sounds good. I guess you update this question once an upcoming release supports the functionality I addressed, don't you?Thanks and best regards,Sher-Chan
Hi Ashish,thank you for your comment, sounds great! In relation to that, is the other way round possible as well? As far as I know from setting up the Asset Manager, you can create an URL to start the application (by using the application name "samcl...
Hi Bill,thank you for your answer!To 2.: Could you explain more in detail, how your workflow is? I don't know what you mean by "BAS" and in addition, are you talking about your "debugging" approach or your testing approach, after you applied some cha...
Hi Jitendra,you are right, I got an answer. We already developed a solution, which basically does the same, but instead of a for-loop, we just used the "reduce" method for an array to chain the promises. I just wanted to share the information I got f...
Hi jitendrakumar.kansal,for creating an entity "Order" with child "OrderLines", we tried that approach, too. At first, we created the order entity and after that, with "OnSuccess", we chained the entity creation of the child with "CreateRelatedEntity...