Member since ‎2014 Jan 28

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I have customised workflow of MM where I have 4 approval level, So my requirement is to hide , invisible and greyed out the fields based on the approval levels. So i am using BADI : USMD_ACC_FLD_PROP_CUST_DEP_SET But what the issue is that aft...
HI, I need help. My Maintenance item worksheet data is not getting read while simulationn in LTMC. I am stuck up in development. Kindly help me in this if I have missed something in LTMOM in mapping. Please suggest . If you could help it will be...
Hi Team, i an doing migdration of Maintenance plan and item using DMC. I did everything mapping and all but while simulation item table data is not coming. kindly throw some light on this as what could be the issue
Hi, I have a question, I need to migrate the data of Maintenance Plan having 3 different scenario:1. Single cycle with route and system condition2. Multiple counter plan with system condition3. Strategy Plan with route and system conditionI have adde...