Member since ‎2009 Oct 15

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Hi, I am trying to change the Document Cost Center in MB1A using EXIT_SAPLMBMB_001. Anyone have some suggestion for the code i can use? I tryed to update MSEG but when i use the Debug the cursor did not stop in EXIT_SAPLMBMB_001. loop at xmse...
Hi, We are trying to limit the maximun of documents that can be processed in T-Code VF04. We havve looked at message status, userexits and authorization objects and we did not find any suitable answer. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you a...
Hi there, I am trying to close an order item and a got the message V1748. The iten haven't sudsequent documents so i do not understand what is the problem. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you and best regards
Hi I am analysing some code of a programIn some point i got the following code IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL. %vtweg% = ls_cli-vtweg. EXIT. ENDIF.My question is: what means the % ?It is a wildcard? Or it means something else?Thank you and best regardsJoã...
Hi,First of all sorry if i am not in the right place for post this issue.I have some users SAP with Mac computers that need to export from SAP with XXL table format.They report me some errors on that.Is some special customizing for this on MAC? Any a...
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