Member since ‎2006 Apr 18

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HI - I am not able to create AMB payment plan ( category 002) using transaction EK92 it calculate the amount but stays on same screen and does not goes to next screen .Any idea how to create AMB payment plan.Regards
Hi All,How can we relate a material document number with the transfer order number which is genrated by transferring material quantity from one storage location to another storage location. As far as i know than when you create transfer order there i...
Hi All,Is there any Bapi availaible( other than Bapi_GoodsMvt_create as it genrates a material document number) for posting goods from one storage bin to other storage bin and which does not creates a material document number.
Hi ALL,Is there a user Exit in Migo which allows me to capture the item data and Header date for a particular purchase order whenever i post the MIGO.I know there is a Badi namedMB_MIGO_ITEM_BADI that gets executed whenever i post MIGO.My requirement...
how to setpage down and page up in ALV report.i assign p- p++ fcode in gui status.scroll line to last page is not working