Please, tell me, do Row ss:AutoFitHeight="1" and Cell ss:WrapText="1" work together?
style for Cell
'<Alignment ss:Horizontal="Left" ss:Vertical="Center" ss:WrapText="1"/>'.
'<Row ss:AutoFitHeight="0">'
xml is ok but if the text ...
Hi all!
I faced a problem while working with smartforms: I needed to place a long text (more than 255 chars) into a cell. I combined several parts into a long one but now I can not get rid of a page break. When the text is less or equal 255 chars, ...
Ok Sandra, but unfortunately, for the moment, there is no answer leading to a solution neither for me nor for the future visitors. I changed the font - it's all the same. Just to clear the situation up: I need to change 2 smartform in such a way, tha...
I do not need the page break which occurs on the first page. There is some space below to keep on printing the table. In spite of this fact, the table is transfered to the next page. I need continues flow of printing but I have a page break.