I am doing an upgrade and during the upgrade, I face undecided component. And there is a naptune component over there. I cannot delete it because I cannot find the attribute of NEPTUNE at support sap. How can I handle this issue? Is there any...
Hi Guys
I get database connection ADBC error 'internal error 16 has occurred error, When I am trying to define ase db to solman.. I use windows server. anyone faced this error on windows ? Could you guys help me about this ?
Could not load SYB l...
When I try to get backup on hana, I get below error. Has Anyone faced this error before ?
[447] backup could not be completed, [2050001] System error: /usr/sap/SID/SYS/global/hdb/backint/DB_SID/COMPLETE_DATA_BACKUP_databackup_2_1, rc=32: Bro...
While we are importing the sap, we get below error. the import phase cannot create the OCSCMPLOBJ~0 index. You can have a look at the full logs below
A2 ETSK 005 Starting create for object "OCSCMPLOBJ~0" of type "primary index" #202103281249...
Hi Guys,
When I try to go on hte agent admin page, I alway get the Service connot be reach.
Every link works fin...
Thank you guys the error has been solved. I cancelled the OCSCMPLOBJ step during the import. so there was a OCSCMPLOBJ packets in the export file. I took them out after that I repeat the step again and it worked. When the import has been done, Ive c...
Hey All,I found the solution. First You gotta look at dev_disp log and It shows you the error. So your error might be about parameter. I changed em/address_space_MB paramater and the error is solved.
Hi Kaushik,I haven't split the dual stack yet because on the sap note, SAP says, split it after upgrade. Also I have read all of those documents. but I couldnt find anything else.