Hi Experts,
We have a scenario - SAP>PI>Thirdparty(SOAP1.2)
Since only HTTP(Axis) protocol have the soap 1.2 option , we are using Axis protocol.
the URL is working fine from SOAP UI. In SOAP UI, apart from normal setting , we are doing WS addr...
Hi Experts,
We have SAP>ECC>Third party(SOAP WSDL) system interface.
Third party system is on soap 1.2. By default, in PI we have the option of soap 1.1 only as shown below. Connection was not working from PI to third party server initially then ...
Hi Experts,
We have a synchronous scenario - Source(Proxy)>PI>Target(REST API). PO(PO 7.5) is able to hit the API successfully and get the response back. But in the REST API xml response, one of the field has base64 value of a file. Can someone let...
Hi Experts,
>We have developed Proxy>PI>REST synchronous flow in PO 7.4
>PI is getting the below error while trying to hit the REST API : SSLException: SSL enabled call failed. Cannot create secure socket excess private key
>We have already imp...
Hi Experts,
>Our scenario is SAP(Proxy)>PI>Third party external system(REST API). We are on PO 7.4. The flow is a synchronous flow.
>We have created a REST receiver channel with POST as the http operation to fetch the response. We are sending an ...
Hi Enrico,Thank you.Yes my XSLT code is the same as you gave me. Adding my code again here.Kindly let me know if anything wrong. But to update you, with this XSLT code, the AM payload from message monitoring is working in SOAP UI fine with S Addressi...
Hi Enrico,Adding header section again here since above its getting updated as something else.<soap:Header xmlns:wsa="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing"><wsa:Action>http://tempuri.org/****</wsa:Action><wsa:To>https://evdm-dev2.***.com:444/Service/E...
did the changes as suggested by you but still getting the same error:Transmitting
the message to endpoint <local> using connection SOAP_http://sap.com/xi/XI/System
failed, due to: