Hi Everyone!!
Please answer my following questions,
1.If we can link our certificate in our SAP profile (S user)
2. If yes means then how to do that and can it be automatically linked to our profile if we did our certification with same S user ...
Hi experts,
We access SAP -B1 in cloud server via remote desktop connection and we want to access the SAP B1 via client but the cloud server is not shown in our network drive, so it is possible to access SAP in cloud via client system????
We can solve your issue by activating Centralized Payment optionPlease follow below linkhttps://help.sap.com/docs/SAP_BUSINESS_ONE/68a2e87fb29941b5bf959a184d9c6727/9309ba5fc9ee41e98f844ea30e634b73.html
Since you have not made any transactions, the system still allows you to change Account No, So you 1st change your account number and save then try to delete, It works in SAP B1 10
Hi,If it is created under SAP B1 default UDO creations then you have row add options under right-clicking option or Data --> Add row or use ALT+G+A as a keyboard shortcut then ALT+G+R for remove line.
If the above addon is applicable to GCC then please reach me at rajtheluck@alfanetqatar.com
If anyone looking to sell payroll for GCC & is capable to integrate with SAP B1 then please reach me at the same mail id.
Thanks Christopher,
It was very helpful to do certification without any trouble.
If you are new to certification then follow below steps to complete certification easily.
1.Schedule an exam in https://sapcertification.questionmark.eu under Exam Da...