I have table control in webdynpro having around 15 columns.
Added sort & filter functionality to the same table.
My problem is, filter is not working if I add date column as part of filter.
I think the date attribute in the context node '...
I want to update or insert DB table inside AMDP.
Used below syntax
upsert zrfcdetails ( RFCDEST,RFCTYPE) values (1, ARRAY (SELECT RFCTYPE FROM :LT_TMP) );
But getting syntax error
Can someone let me know the exact syntax
I found the solution for this issue.Below is the sample syntax for update and insert via AMDP.upsert zrfcdetails select * from :lt_tmp; insert into zrfcdetails select * from :lt_tmp;
May I know the syntax on how to update the DB table from internal table in AMDP.I tried below syntax but getting syntax error.udpate DB_TABLE as a from :INTERNAL_TABLE as b set a.field1 = b.field1where a.field1 = b.field1;