I am passing custom error message to UI5 front end , but the custom message is not shown , instead a standard exception "Requested Data not found" is displayed.Please let me know how we can get custom error message.The code which I am using is ...
Is there any single enhancement spot for all data browser tcodes such as SE11,SE12,SE16,SE16N,SM30 and SM31?
This is for Access Control at Data browser level.
I m using sapscript.I have an internal table having addresses ie wa_itab-name1 contains addressesABC top floor,Trivandrum-PQRsecond floorbombay-in thiis mannerI use 2 main windows one on left and other right.how can i perform page break so that an ad...
Actually I have enhanced the class /IWFND/CL_MGW_REQUEST_MANAGER for my requirement.I need the data in this class for some conditions so that I cant restrict user from accessing app.Still getting standard error after using this snippet.
I have written in the class /IWFND/CL_MGW_REQUEST_MANAGER and I dont get mo_context , it says no mo_context unknown.May I know what else to write in this class.Appreciate your help.ThanksShinu