Member since ‎2019 Aug 09

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Hi Experts, I've create a 1:n relationship in Hybris. <relation localized="false" code="MultimediaAssetAltTextRel" autocreate="true" generate="true"> <sourceElement type="Media" qualifier="media" cardinality="one" /> <targetElement type="...
Hi Experts, I've two questions:- When a guest user is created in Hybris, Hybris stores the generated UUID as the user's password. When a customer tries to change his/her email ID from account/profile page, it asks for the current/old password ...
Hi Experts, I've just installed B2C with recipe with making an entry in the hosts file. The build is successful and the server is up and running. The initialization was successful. When I tried accessing the apparel-uk or apparel-de, it shows the web...
Hi Experts, I'm trying to run the below query but it's not giving me the expected result. SELECT DISTINCT to_char({cst:creationtime},'dd/MM/yyyy') FROM {CsTicket AS cst} WHERE to_char({cst:creationtime},'yyyy/MM/dd') BETWEEN '2019/01/08' AND '2019/01...
Hi, We have recently moved from Hybris 5.7 to Hybris 6.2 and we are getting one exception. Can you please help me understand why does this occur and where should I look into? PFB the exception details:- WARN cannot assign partOf item Product '1234...
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