Member since ‎2006 Feb 05

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Hi,The query below is working fine under SQL but we can't find the correct HANA syntaxSQL SYNTAX/*SELECT FROM [dbo].[OPRJ] T0*/ declare @PrjCode as nvarchar(40)/* WHERE */ set @PrjCode = /* T0.PrjCode */ '[%0]'select * from [dbo].[SW_Data_Store] T0  ...
Hello,We must do some calculations on the sales order. Using the item event it works fine but only for the first line we select.When we select more lines (using shift or ctrl) only the first is processed.We've tried different solutions (modifiers, se...
Hi,We need te create a query to show the stock on a given date.Using OINM we can create the correct stock values but in this case we also need the batchnumer and the correct BIN code.If someone can extend the OINM view with the correct Batch and BIN ...
Hello,Does anybody have a working example in creating a material revaluation based on batches ?All I can find is about FIFO but we have to do this on a specific batch.Thanks,Paul
Hello,We're creating production orders manually. We want to use the MRP to create purchase orders.But we want to link the purchase order to the production order (we need some extra data of the production order on the printout of the purchase order)Ca...