Hi ,
i am trying to retrieve SAML attriubtes for the logged in user in my SAPUI5 application from the SAP Id provider i sap cloud platform. i have no clue how is that possible any help please ?
i am using an xsodata Service , i have a database table in xs hana web based workbench , and i have created an hdbsequence for the ID because i need it to be auto-Incremented but when i try to parse my data to my table i got this error :
Hi Experts,
i am trying to retrieve the status Code of my http post request but i cannot get it with oEvent.getParameters("statusCode"), the response i get is an object but i need only the status code such as 409 or 200. any help please ?
Iam trying to parse date to odata . my date in the input is in this format : 2019-09-24T11:25:58. and i need to convert to this format /Date(1354665600000)/ so i can send it to the backEnd service. Any help please?
it is an input :<Input id="date" value="{ path: '/dtValue', type: 'sap.ui.model.type.DateTime', formatOptions: {pattern: 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss', strictParsing: true , UTC: true}}"/>and i parse it to odata service as :oEntry.date = this.getView().byId...
View:<u:FileUploader id="fileUploader"name="myFileUpload"uploadUrl="/cmis/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/root"width="400px"tooltip="Upload your file to the local server"uploadComplete="handleUploadComplete"/><Button text="Upload File" press="handleUploadPress"/>C...