Member since ‎2008 Mar 24

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Actually we have a requirement that if the vendor/customer open items are < 3 we should not generate payment advice. We have identified the note 1224437, but I believe the function module mentioned in it is not relevant for this scenario.I understand...
Hi, I want to download the documentation from SAP help website, so that I can read it offline.For example I want to download documentation for a particular Industry Solution from can i get the ...
Hi all, I have a problem with displaying pdf downloaded from application server (saved in BINARY MODE).I am getting the pdf output of adobe form in FPFORMOUTPUT-PDF as rawstring back to my program and then converting that rawstring into binary form u...
Hi all, I have a doubt regarding the advantage of views over joins. For example:suppose my database view has 4 db tables in it ... say A B C Dwhat i require is i need to retrieve some data which is present in tables A & C this case .. which is ...
Hi,I need to create a notification for an equipment. Before setting the user status for this notification, I need to check if an old notification exists for this equipment and read the status for the old notification. Also how do i set the user statu...