Member since ‎2006 Dec 08

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Hi, I am facing an issue with BUS7 event-FM assignment as it is not triggering now DSAVE - /SCMB/TMS_LABOR_EVENT_DSAVE is not triggering...we have implemented 2 enhancement points for BP(Driver and Driver absence ) changes... They are not trigg...
Hi, what is the ways to add fields in driver master BP screen in sap TM? for address,identification etc.. regards Vishnuvardhan
Hi Experts,Please let me know whether we can create a maintenance view for standard table such as DD03T  for field descriptions maintenance .regardsVishnu
Hi,I am creating the quote using BAPI " BAPI_QUOTATION_CREATEFROMDATA2" ..i am encountering this error in the subject line when i am displaying in VA23.what could be the problem?regardsVishnu
Hi,I have added 5th customer field to MARA table which is used in MM17 transaction .When the user is doing other customer field change (like gross weight,order date) (using MM17 , by default the newly added 5th field getting changed with value "/" vi...