From this blog post, you will learn the following about the Top-down distribution (TDD) in Account-based COPA. The blog is intended for CO consultants, Business users, etc. This blog discussed the functionality of Top-down distribution in Account-bas...
From this blog post you will learn the following about the Combined CO-PA (cPA )
cPA analysis overview
Implementation Strategy
Advantages over cost-based CO-PA approach
Data Structure for the cPA
Technical Prerequisite for activating ...
Hi Neeraj,
The system derives the distribution ration 5:7:9 because of the $ value for the revenue are 500:700:900. in the reference data, you have to scroll to the right to see the $ value for the revenue. This is the distribution key here.
Actually, the concept of Cpa is quiet different from margin analysis. The concept of Cpa existed in the ECC version as well, If account-based Copa fulfils the business need than Cpa is not recommended, however if you want to still use cost-based COPA...
You can see it still the break up in the CKM3N, material price analysis Once you run the settlement step , these value gets updated in the CKM3n, and you can see exactly how much is coming from lower level and how much from same level.
ok, great so your FI currency set up looks correct legal - 10 , group - 31, PCV - 12 Your ML setting is also fine legal 10, PCV -12, Group - 31 Now coming to CO ( CVC)it is 10( Legal) , 31(group) , 32 ( PCV ) So you need to correct the CVC profile f...
The CVC profile determines the currency setting.So as per the setting CVC is set as 10 > legal valuation (View -0) so the ML currency type is >> 10+0 >> 10 30 > Group Valuation( View -1), so the ML currency type is 30+1 >> 3130 > Profit center Valu...