Member since ‎2006 Nov 27

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Hi,We are sending Unicode file with encoding as UTF-8( open dataset) containing Greek character to Legacy system. Legacy system( Sql server) is not able to understand this file format. As a workaround legacy side team coverts the file to Unicode UCS-...
Hi,We are sending Unicode file with encoding as UTF-8( open dataset) containing Greek character to Legacy system. Legacy system( Sql server) is not able to understand this file format. As a workaround legacy side team coverts the file to Unicode UCS-...
hi all,alv output has traffic lights icon. I want diiferent tooltips to come depending upon the color of light( red, green and yellow)Can anybody help me ...
Hi there,I have a requirement to find all the text elements used in Z Programs.I am looking for the table name that stores the Program Text elements (SE38 text elements + selection text).Can anybody help me in finding the table name....Thanks in adv...
Hi ,I am new to DME .I need to insert 2 fields in DME file being sent.Tcode:f101Program used is RFFOM100.Can you help in this .Thanks in adv.Sukhbir.