Member since ‎2019 Jun 12

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  • 14 Posts
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Hi all, I have a really important UDF (never null) that has to be updated when an invoice is created, in all simple cases this UDF is updated when cardname is entered Those invoces can also be created from recuring tabs in blanket agrrement or c...
Hi all, My problem is that when a document is printed, its status changes to open-printed. When a user searchs for all open documents the procedure is the folowing : Search mode + docstatus : open + search --> the result includes all the ope...
Hi all, I'm trying to convert marketing document to word but it never works, i set the right path with all the required documents but i still get message error, "invalid path", the language is french and the path goes to french folder, what semm t...
Hi all, Im working on a report where i need to select all the activities that had been created in one service call, I cant seem to find a way to filter the activities by service call. Note that i can have many service calls for one custommer, also...
Hi all, I'm trying to use a query where I compare two filds from two tables, the thing is the second table is an UDO, I'm afraid that the syntax is incorrect, here is the query : SELECT T1.[U_PDR1] FROM OINS T0 , [@GAMME] T1 WHERE T1.[Code] ...
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