Hello dear collegues,
I just want to know If anyone from here that´s working with SAP HANA CLOUD have been available to put a default Profit Center for Bank GL account.
I need It because we are having seriously problems with segment in our comp...
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You can include this eDocument in a list using the Create eDocument Lists for VAT Register Books with SII (Spain) (RPFIES_SII_EDOCLIST) report or the Create e...
Dear collegues,
I would like to know if any of you have been able to create an entry in the S4HC table for a new type of sales document.
The option exists but it does not appear to me as selectable.
It's possible?
Best regards,
Dear collegues,
I have checked the flag of allowing negative stock is active for this material for the plant 2402 and storage P022.
I have also checked that the reverse date is the current date and not in the previous period.
What will be the...
Good afternoon,
The question is about set up our Password Access Managment (Thycotic) with the SAP 4 Hana Cloud.
Here I attach a picture about the settings we need to fill.
Thanks in advance,
Hi Lucian,
Thanks for the feedback.
I can´t adjusted the text here, but If you want the information in better format you can contact with me and I can share it with you by email.
I have cheked more and I can see that in SSCCUI for storage we dont have the flag activated for allow negative stock Manage Your Solution in SAP4HC 103183 - Plant and Storage Make the changes and pass it to our P system Br, Diana
Dear collegues,
I have the same issue with a material in a plant and storage. When I check the flag of allow negative stock is already done
What will be the problem in this case? Could you help me? Br,