Hi Friends,
I'm new to HR programming and I've a requirement to delimit relationship A008 between Position and PERNR. So I want to use the FM RH_CUT_INFTY_1001_EXT. But I also noticed that there's always an inverse B008 relationship present betwee...
Hi All,
I did a lot of google searching, but couldn't find anything on this.
Does anyone know how to programmatically fill in the WBS element name for each quotation item, after custom development done to create WBS element under existing operat...
On an SAP S/4HANA 1809 system, I see that both these transactions open the same table TVARVC, as you can see in the screenshot below.
Even in the documentation from SAP, I see that tcode STVARV is supposed to maintain TVARV (client independent) tab...
Hi All,
I'm trying to implement this user exit, with a customer tab with one ZZ field in the CI_EBANDB structure. Now there'll be a change to this field when a specific condition fails during 'Check' function in PR. Thus I figured the function EXIT...
Hi Bala,Upon trying out further, I realized, that we don't really need to include both A and B relations. Just passing the A type in the INNNN table is enough to delimit both, as there's a check internally of reversible relations in case of 1001, and...
Sorry for the trouble, 1005bf8318434f49964a5737c29bb265 and lakshmipathi.ganesan .I figured it out, finally. Had to move my enhancement to a different FM, and filled in the PSPNR into a different internal table (SETTL_TAB), to make the WBS entries...