Hi Friends,
Our motive to Call a custom BAPI from Java based Non-SAP system to S/4 HANA on premise.
So, we have setup a TCP/IP Based connection, where connection type 'T and registered server program is 'JCOSERVER01' , save and test connection, b...
Hi Friends,
We are calling BAPI from Non SAP, and referring below link, but the connectivity is not happened.
I have a doubt here, in the...
Hi Isaias,Thanks for your response.I have all the details which required to connect from Non-SAP Java System but not able to connect.But How it will expose the BAPI and connect to SAP system, without RFC/SM59 Destination. If you have worked earlier o...
Hi Joanna,Thanks for your response. We have four RFC connections in SM59, and all are working fine. But how to ensure that which one is going to call via JCO Connector ?I am sorry, it was typo mistake, i am using JCO connector and create it using bel...
Hi,Yes using JOC and taking below reference to create the JCO - https://help.sap.com/doc/saphelp_470/4.7/en-US/76/4a42f4f16d11d1ad15080009b0fb56/content.htm?no_cache=true
Hi Robert, Thanks for your response, Yes the RFC connection is already created, but i am not sure how it will called.Like, there are many RFC connections in SM59, which is used for different objects and work,