I was following the tutorial : (https://developers.sap.com/tutorials/cp-mlf-retrain-image-classification-01.html) but I can't initialize the service. I get the following message "Initialization had issues. (status=ERROR) Unexpected Error: "Something ...
I was trying to integrate the Image and Product Image Classification SAP Leonardo Machine Learning Functional Services published from the SAP API Business Hub sandbox in a SAPUI5 application. However, when I try to setup the destination I...
It seems that everyone is having the same issue as you can see on the comments of this video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2x5hGl5Bvmg&lc=z22vi1nhuxz5zb0bq04t1aokgbpiof5dtpqhqt2vyvt2bk0h00410.1557754514791416