I'm calling external Web Service (based on WSDL) that is requiring parameters with type XSDANY. When I just set string in the code lie lv_parameter = '123', I receive error SOAP 1001. CX_XSDANY_PARSE_ERROR:XSLT exception.An error occurred during seri...
Hello gurus,
I'm developing Z program for dealing with payment proposals and payment round. I need to be able to change the payment block status of document in the proposal. Manually it can be done, but I need to add function module or BAPI for mas...
Hello guys, I need to make validation on a variable that contains only letters, digits, space and dot. I use pattern like the one below, but I receive error
Regular expression '[^A-Za-z0-9-\s\.]' is invalid in character position 13 (\s)
Any hits...
Hello,I have business case in which the user should be able to add/remove delivery on already planned shipment. The standard SAP functionality is not allowing this due to the leg determination during the planning. In the case this is not affected by ...
Yes. To be able to reverse the planning completed status, all subsequent statuses should also be reversed and posted again. With this reverse/re-post all statuses dates and times are also changed which is changing the history. For example last minute...