Is there a way by which we can search the resources based on the roles in SAP PPM cProjects,
For exp If we create a role Project Manager then during the resource search only specific resource lists should be visible.
Please let me know i...
Our customer is planning to move current ECC system into S/4 HANA 2020
Is there any specific changes related to PS and PPM module which we need to consider. Please suggest.
have gone through simplification list analysis but really could...
Hello Neeraj,Thanks for response, here the requirement is to add resource in advance to a role and later when we select the same role in project then all such resources should be visible.ThanksRohit
Thanks for the input, so overall there are no mandatory changes or Snote which we need to consider during conversion.Please correct me or add comments .
Hi,How does it matter, anyways we need to update project person responsible into OPS6.Is it possible to import multiple entries in one go and add.Thanks