Member since ‎2019 Mar 10

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Hi Experts, We are facing an issue when trying to add AUC asset in the internal order master data in the settlement rule. In the asset master, the Asset class belongs to an investment measure but still while trying to save the settlement rule in ...
Hi, Experts, I have a doubt. Our client for an existing house bank they want to change the main GL account in FI12 and all the sub-accounts. 1. What will be the implications if we do so? 2. Is it advisable to do so as a standard practice? 3. ...
Hi Experts, I have a doubt about tables in SAP finance. I'd like to know Why and What is Prima Nota? Why BSEG is called as Prima Nota in HANA? People are saying that the below tables are obsolete in SAP HANA and will not update any of the below...
Is it mandatory to maintain controlling are in SAP S4 HANA? If so can anyone please let me know the reason why is it mandatory? Some people are saying that it is mandatory and some are telling that it is not mandatory. I've posted an FI documen...
Hi Guys, I'm unable to view the customer master data in the T-code XD02. It gives me the attached error xd02.png Can anyone please assist me?
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