Does anybody have suggestions on the easiest way to handle specifications in the system that are not being used anymore? (including dependent data such as DG master and Hazardous Substance master)
For e.g.: Removing material assignments, sett...
Hi Experts,
Is there a way to have quantities per customer in the CBRC20 report?
In case of REACH when a legal entity of the company located outside EU is shipping material to customers in EU, we would like to have the total quantity of the subs...
Hi All,
Has anybody set up a scenario in SAP EHS where a material can be considered as a DG or not based on the quantity of the material in the packaging?
We have a scenario where some of our Articles can be DG or not based on the content of merc...
Has anybody heard of some standard SAP functionality that supports the printing of Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods automatically from the transport document?
Or Has anybody worked in general on the process of printing Shipper's dec...
We are trying to set up packaging related DG checks in the Shipment and Delivery document. The aim is to ensure that the DG relevant materials are packed using the legally compliant packing materials and also that incompatible dangerous goods ...
Hi,The process is that the system first tries to determine the relevant materials. You can define relevant materials via the material classification or via filters on table MARA. After the relevant materials are determined, the system will look for a...
Hi Christoph, Hi Holger,thanks for your answers.Could you please elaborate a little bit on how exactly I can set up the DG master for a material which can be a DG or not based on the quantity in the Handling Unit? What would be the difference to a re...
Hi Christoph, Hi Holger,thanks for your answers.Could you please elaborate a little bit on how exactly I can set up the DG master for a material which can be a DG or not based on the quantity in the Handling Unit? What would be the difference to a re...
Hi,The quantity that is used for comparison is the quantity that was last tracked with the RREGCH_VT report. This means that if you have already used 900 Kg of the limit you would not be able to create another order which raises the quantity by 101 K...